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Anisim Pestov
Anisim Pestov

[S2E3] The Perfect Storm

It's the perfect way to become familiar with the community and introduce people to her food and the staff. How many people probably passed by and wrote the restaurant off as someplace pretentious that they couldn't afford?

[S2E3] The Perfect Storm

ABC's police procedural dramedy The Rookie won hearts, minds, and viewers in its first season. The show had the perfect storm of comedy, drama, and attitude. John Nolan, Nathan Fillion's forty-year-old rookie brought life experience and a quirky sense of humor. But Nolan's irreverent perspective is balancedby the drama of his cases and the matter-of-fact perspective of his training officers. In The Rookie's second season, the show has struggled to return to its first season sweet spot. While there has been an increase in drama, there has not been a corresponding increase in comedy. "The Bet," the third episode of The Rookie's sophomore season, makes an effort to pull the show out of the dramatic doldrums. And it almost succeeds.

This week, Nolan is riding with Angela Lopez (Alyssa Diaz) as his training officer. Both Nolan and Lopez are having relationship issues, and willing to share them. The banter between Lopez and Nolan is excellent, and has the perfect balance of work and personal life. And, when the two run into trouble, they work together seamlessly. Lopez takes the situation seriously and acts professionally when needed, but doesn't miss an opportunity to tease Nolan. These two should have more scenes together.

Makhtar Diop [MD]: Hello, and welcome to our Podcast Creative Development with IFC. I'm your host Makhtar Diop. And today it's my pleasure to welcome opera singer Pretty Yende to the show. This talented South African woman has taken the international opera world by storm performing leading roles in the world's biggest opera houses. In so doing, she has broken barriers for future generations, and raised awareness about the value of inclusion and diversity, not only in opera and classical music, but more generally in creative art. So it's a huge pleasure to have Pretty today with us. So let me start Pretty last year, I watched you in Vienna, La Traviatta. I was just mesmerized. And it was such a wonderful and extraordinary performance. And I think that the room would just give you one of the loudest standing ovations that I've seen. So tell me a little bit, let's start with that performance. How did you feel? you were saying that you are not feeling well, and you didn't know how you will be performing. But when we watched you, you were so full of energy that I couldn't believe it.

PY: You are absolutely correct. You're absolutely correct. The whole trust, I think I got is from my mentors at the University of Cape Town - Angelo Gobbato, Angela Davis. They made me understand that there are different ways of live performing, of being an opera singer. There are singers who would sing every note perfect and they will not touch the soul, there would not be rememberable. But then they asked singers who might not be so perfect, but basically they sing one line, and that room is transformed forever. People will never forget that. And so I wanted to be in that space because that's the true core of what makes an artist unique. And so that meant to trust that if I try something. Because that that scene, I was just improvising at the Met. We were just rehearsing. Je parle un peux francais, mais pas bon. just a little bit, you know. I speak fluent Italian. So there was this possibility to improvise. There was no written dialogue. And instinctively, I just spoke in Zulu, and they were like, Yeah, keep it, keep it I was like, Okay, I was just mumbling in Zulu. And that's the thing because if you cross that border line of not being so square, there's so much more we can do.

Meanwhile, Poor Mitch continues to wallow in his newly minted perfect self-awareness and the company of his new friend Paola, who wants him to participate in a documentary she's making about sexual assault. She's sort of also trying to be his friend and maybe date him, so that's certainly going to be a very reliable documentary vis-à-vis its treatment of Mitch.

So when Starlight catches up with him in the storm drains (where the Boys have fled), both his fight and flight responses have been pretty well-drained, and when Homelander finds them and orders Starlight to kill Hughie, he basically gives her the go-ahead. Fortunately, Billy arrives just in time to stop her and incapacitate Homelander.

Radhika Menon (@menonrad) is a TV-obsessed writer based in New York City. Her work has appeared on Paste Magazine, Teen Vogue, and Brown Girl Magazine. At any given moment, she can ruminate at length over Friday Night Lights, the University of Michigan, and the perfect slice of pizza. You may call her Rad.

The first season's playlist was already exceptional (hello, that " (opens in new tab)Landslide" cover (opens in new tab)?!), perfectly encapsulating in musical form Mel Monroe's rocky adjustment to small-town life and the landslide (sorry!) of drama that ensued. But the show's music supervisors have truly outdone themselves in season two: In addition to the usual mix of singer-songwriter-y covers and a trio of onscreen performances by real-life indie rock group The Promised, the new soundtrack is also peppered with major hits from Lizzo, Aretha Franklin, and Hozier. Far beyond providing the sense of relief that comes with learning that Lizzo is just as important to this tiny fictional town as she is in real life, the second season's soundtrack is also just a spot-on combination of pop bangers, acoustic jams, and nostalgic swingy tunes.

This meant the team was now working with more people power and crack surveillance teams, all from a high-tech surveillance nerve centre that could oversee everything, from CCTV cameras to radio to everything. It was called Central 3000, which was just about perfect.

Eventually, the truck begins to come to a stop, and the cabin survivors realize they've finally arrived at the camp, a heavily fortified Howe's Hardware store. Kenny plans to storm Carver and his men when they open the doors. He will tell Clementine to back him up, and Clementine can either tell Kenny that she trusts him and will do what she can to help, or dissuade Kenny, telling him that it is a bad plan, or that she is scared. He walks towards the door, waiting for it to open, when the truck makes a hard brake, causing Kenny to smack his face into the door as he falls down and loses consciousness briefly. Sarita rushes in to make sure he is okay, while Carlos snidely remarks that it was "probably for the best" that Kenny was knocked out.

If Clementine chooses not to help Sarah: Clementine and Sarah will both complete their tasks, but Sarah will do it to much less perfection, only managing to finish half of her batch. Carver then visits the greenhouse to check on the girls, only to see that Sarah's work was poorly done, much to his disappointment.

Clementine returns to the group as they are discussing how they can escape. She returns in the middle of the conversation, as Mike criticizes Kenny's plan, which consists of drawing the herd to the compound, and escaping in the middle of the ensuing chaos. While Rebecca and Mike are in opposition to Kenny's plan, Clementine can choose to bring up Luke's plan of monitoring the guards to pick a time to escape. Rebecca will say that Luke's plan is the one she votes for, as its the safer and smarter alternative. Kenny argues against it, noting the amount of time that it could potentially take. Kenny will go back to his plan once more, stating that all they need is something that can make enough noise to draw the attention of the approaching herd (mentioning Molly, in Crawford). Mike will make mention of the various speakers around the building, specifically the ones pointed towards the parking lot. Clementine can mention that she saw the controls in Carver's office. Rebecca will further support Clementine's claim, stating that it is all controlled within Carver's office, as she used to make most of the announcements when she was previously part of the community. She notes that the outside speakers are turned off by default, but if someone could sneak into the office, they could enable them in order to draw the herd towards the store. Kenny will state that it's perfect, and questions why Rebecca didn't bring this information up sooner. She says it's because it doesn't change anything; the safe and sensible option is still to get Luke the radio. After a small amount of bickering, the group will come to the consensus that both plans can work together; Luke can use the radio to monitor both the movement of the herd and the guards, using the information to pick the right time to escape, and to pick the safest route through the herd. 041b061a72


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