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Discover the Magic of Ovid's Metamorphoses with David Raeburn's Translation (PDF)

Ovid Metamorphoses David Raeburn PDF Download

If you are looking for a captivating and captivating read that will take you on a journey through ancient mythology, you should download Ovid Metamorphoses David Raeburn PDF file. This is a translation of one of the most influential poems in Western literature by a renowned classicist and poet. In this article, you will learn more about what Ovid's Metamorphoses is, who David Raeburn is, and why you should download his translation.

ovid metamorphoses david raeburn pdf download

What is Ovid's Metamorphoses?

Ovid's Metamorphoses is an epic poem that was written in Latin by the Roman poet Ovid in the first century CE. It consists of 15 books that contain over 250 stories from Greek and Roman mythology, ranging from the creation of the world to the deification of Julius Caesar. The stories are ingeniously linked by the theme of transformation, often as a result of love or lust, where men and women find themselves magically changed into new and sometimes extraordinary beings.

The structure of Metamorphoses

Ovid organizes his stories into 15 books that follow a chronological order from the beginning of time to his own era. Each book contains several stories that are connected by a common thread or a smooth transition. For example, Book 1 starts with the creation of the world and ends with the flood that wipes out humanity, except for Deucalion and Pyrrha. Book 2 starts with the story of Phaeton, the son of the sun god, who drives his father's chariot and sets the earth on fire, and ends with the story of Europa, who is abducted by Jupiter in the form of a bull. Book 3 starts with the story of Cadmus, who founds the city of Thebes after killing a dragon, and ends with the story of Pentheus, who is torn apart by his mother and aunts after spurning the cult of Bacchus.

The themes of Metamorphoses

Ovid explores various themes in his poem, such as love, power, violence, beauty, and the relationship between humans and gods. He shows how love can be a source of joy or sorrow, how power can be used for good or evil, how violence can be justified or punished, how beauty can be admired or envied, and how humans and gods can interact in harmony or conflict. He also reflects on the nature of change and the role of fate in human affairs. He portrays his characters with sympathy and humor, often exposing their flaws and follies.

The influence of Metamorphoses

Ovid's poem has inspired writers and artists throughout history, from Shakespeare to Picasso. Many of his stories have become part of the cultural heritage of the West, such as Daedalus and Icarus, Pyramus and Thisbe, Pygmalion, Perseus and Andromeda, and the fall of Troy. His style and technique have influenced poets such as Dante, Chaucer, Milton, Pope, and Dryden. His imagination and creativity have inspired painters such as Titian, Rubens, Rembrandt, and Turner. His wit and playfulness have entertained readers and audiences for centuries.

Who is David Raeburn?

David Raeburn is a British classicist and poet who has translated Ovid's Metamorphoses into English verse. He is a lecturer in classics at Oxford University and a former headmaster of two schools. He has published several books on classical literature and culture, as well as translations of other Latin poets such as Horace and Virgil.

David Raeburn's background and education

Raeburn was born in 1928 in London. He developed an interest in classics at an early age, thanks to his father who was a classics teacher. He studied classics at Oxford University, where he won several prizes for his poetry. He then pursued a career in education, teaching classics at various schools and colleges. He also served as headmaster of two schools: Canford School in Dorset and Perse School in Cambridge. He retired from teaching in 1991 and became a lecturer in classics at Oxford University.

David Raeburn's translation style

Raeburn aims to capture Ovid's wit, elegance, and playfulness in his translation. He uses rhyme, meter, word choice, and punctuation to convey Ovid's meaning and tone. He follows Ovid's original structure and order of stories, but occasionally adds or omits words or phrases for clarity or effect. He also provides helpful notes and a comprehensive introduction that explain the historical and literary context of Ovid's poem.

David Raeburn's translation features

Some of the features of Raeburn's translation are:

  • He uses a four-line stanza with an ABAB rhyme scheme to match Ovid's elegiac couplets.

  • He uses iambic pentameter as the main meter to reflect Ovid's dactylic hexameter.

  • He uses different types of rhyme to create variety and interest, such as full rhyme (e.g., "fire/desire"), half rhyme (e.g., "flame/claim"), eye rhyme (e.g., "love/move"), internal rhyme (e.g., "fearful sphere full"), alliteration (e.g., "fierce fire"), assonance (e.g., "bright light"), consonance (e.g., "dark mark"), etc.

  • He uses modern English words that are close to Ovid's Latin words in meaning or sound, but sometimes uses archaic or poetic words to create a classical flavor.

  • He uses punctuation marks such as commas, dashes, colons, semicolons, etc. to indicate pauses or breaks in Ovid's sentences.

Why you should download David Raeburn's translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses?

orphoses, you should download David Raeburn's translation because it offers you several benefits, such as accessibility, readability, and enjoyment.


One of the benefits of downloading David Raeburn's translation is that it makes Ovid's poem accessible to modern readers. Raeburn uses clear and simple language that is easy to understand and follow. He also provides helpful notes that explain the references, allusions, and meanings of Ovid's stories. He also gives a comprehensive introduction that gives an overview of Ovid's life, work, and times. By downloading David Raeburn's translation, you will be able to appreciate Ovid's poem without any difficulty or confusion.


Another benefit of downloading David Raeburn's translation is that it makes Ovid's poem readable for literary lovers. Raeburn uses smooth and elegant verse that flows naturally and gracefully. He also uses vivid and colorful imagery that brings Ovid's stories to life. He also uses creative and expressive language that captures Ovid's wit and humor. By downloading David Raeburn's translation, you will be able to enjoy Ovid's poem as a work of art and literature.


A third benefit of downloading David Raeburn's translation is that it makes Ovid's poem enjoyable for curious minds. Raeburn uses humorous and fascinating anecdotes that entertain and inform the reader. He also uses surprising and intriguing myths that captivate and inspire the reader. He also uses twists and turns that challenge and delight the reader. By downloading David Raeburn's translation, you will be able to have fun with Ovid's poem as a source of knowledge and wisdom.


In conclusion, Ovid's Metamorphoses is an epic poem that tells over 250 stories from Greek and Roman mythology, linked by the theme of transformation. David Raeburn is a British classicist and poet who has translated Ovid's poem into English verse. By downloading David Raeburn's translation, you will be able to access, read, and enjoy Ovid's poem in a way that suits your needs and preferences. You will also be able to join the long tradition of readers and writers who have been influenced and inspired by Ovid's masterpiece.

So what are you waiting for? Download Ovid Metamorphoses David Raeburn PDF file today and start your journey into the world of ancient mythology!

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you found it useful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Ovid's Metamorphoses and David Raeburn's translation:

  • Q: Where can I download Ovid Metamorphoses David Raeburn PDF file?

  • A: You can download it from this link:

  • Q: How long is Ovid Metamorphoses David Raeburn PDF file?

  • A: It is about 723 pages long.

  • Q: How much does it cost to download Ovid Metamorphoses David Raeburn PDF file?

  • A: It is free to download.

  • Q: What are some other translations of Ovid's Metamorphoses?

  • A: Some other translations are by Charles Martin, Allen Mandelbaum, A.D. Melville, Ted Hughes, etc.

  • Q: What are some other works by Ovid?

  • A: Some other works by Ovid are Amores (Love Poems), Ars Amatoria (The Art of Love), Fasti (The Festivals), Heroides (The Heroines), Tristia (The Sorrows), etc.



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