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Anisim Pestov
Anisim Pestov

Taxi 5 Fixed

Sylvain Marot, inspector of the Paris police, is considered one of the best police officers of the French capital, who dreams of serving in the special forces. After it is found out that he slept with the Mayor's wife, he is transferred to the municipal police of Marseille, whose mayor is the former Commissaire Gibert. While chasing a taxi driver, he ends up drowning the patrol car and as a result enters into a skirmish with the city police.

Taxi 5


Gibert informs the team about a "gang of Italians", who use two powerful Ferrari for committing their crimes, and instructs Marot to arrest them. Due to the local police cars being under-powered, he realizes he won't be able to keep up with a Ferrari. Alain, a colleague of Marot, tells the newcomer about the legendary taxi of Marseille and about the adventures of Daniel and Emilien.

But years have passed: the car is now in Morocco, Emilien has left the police, and Daniel lives in Miami. Sylvain and his team find Daniel's nephew, Eddie Makhlouf, who was the taxi driver he was chasing. Sylvain offers Eddie a deal; find his uncle's taxi, and he will be set free.

Eddie makes a counter-offer, stating that he wishes to be the driver of the taxi when they find it. They find the car, but it turns out that the nephew does not have the talent of his uncle. The next day, they begin operation "Mafia", as named by Gibert. As the thieves are escaping, Gibert makes a mistake leading to a car pile-up, one of the victims of which is revealed to be the Minister he had met previously.

Sylvain chases after the thieves, but is still unable to keep up with their cars. Realizing that the car needs more modifications, he ends up leaving the taxi with Eddie's sister, Samia. Sylvain is immediately smitten by her and tries to make a move but is turned down. He goes with Eddie to meet an "Italian" Rashid, who informs them about a place where the Italians train - an abandoned racing track. Sylvain and Eddie go there and win the race. One of the robbers, Tony Dog, a former driver for Formula 1, offers Sylvain a job and invites him to a private party.

The corrupt cops are stopped by Eddie's friends while clearing a path for the taxi. The cops commandeer a civilian vehicle, but they eventually get stopped by the municipal police while the robbers continue their pursuit of the taxi. After opening fire on the taxi, Sylvain uses the boost to gain more speed and as a result the taxi is sent flying off a cliff and crashing into the back of the yacht where Rashid has already claimed the diamond from the pilot.

The gang is then arrested, and the diamond is returned. Sylvain heads over to Samia to tell her about the car, when she reveals that it's already over the news. Eddie is shown on television pretending to be a cop while taking credit. He thanks Sylvain and Samia before ending it with a proposal to his girlfriend. In the hospital, Alain, seeing the broken taxi, is upset. Later at a ceremony, everyone involved is awarded.

The medallion number, which is located on the hood, license plate and top of the taxicab as well as on the partition and your receipt, is the four-letter/number combination unique to that cab. It is comprised of a number, followed by a letter, followed by two numbers. If you lost property in a cab or wish to complain about or compliment a driver, the TLC can identify the driver/taxicab from the medallion number. Without this information or the name of the driver and the license number, it is difficult to identify the taxicab without the driver first contacting the TLC or the passenger. It is a good idea to always take a receipt when exiting the taxicab.

The maximum amount of passengers allowed in a yellow taxicab by law is four (4) in a four (4) passenger taxicab or five (5) passengers in a five (5) passenger taxicab, except that an additional passenger must be accepted if such passenger is under the age of seven (7) and is held on the lap of an adult passenger seated in the rear.

The Taxi and Limousine Commission's (TLC) rules state that a passenger who is unable to enter or ride in the passenger part of the taxicab must be permitted to occupy the front seat alongside the driver.

Drivers are not permitted to refuse passengers with more than one stop. There is no limit to how many stops are allowed. Keep in mind, the taximeter will run as one continuous trip; it is not turned off and then started again with every stop. You pay the entire fare at the end of your trip. If you encounter a situation where the driver refuses you service based on multiple destinations, get the taxicab medallion number, and contact us at 3-1-1 to file a complaint against the driver.

The taxicab driver must use the E-Z Pass when passing through tolls. The passenger will reimburse the driver for any toll cost during the trip. The passenger will be paying the discounted E Z Pass toll rate.

Drivers are required to know the streets of Manhattan as well as major destinations in the other boroughs. Additionally, all New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission licensed taxi drivers must have a map available to them when on duty. If they do not, they are in violation of TLC rules and regulations. In addition, as per TLC rules, they are required to know the "lay of the land", that is, have extensive knowledge of the NYC area. Taxi drivers are not permitted to refuse service, because they do not know how to reach a destination. They must consult their 5-borough map to identify the best route to any destination within the 5 boroughs..

New York State law requires all taxi and for-hire vehicle drivers wear a seatbelt while driving. The State also requires that front seat passengers above the age of 16 wear a seatbelt. The TLC encourages everyone, including those in the rear of the vehicle, buckle their seatbelts while riding in a cab. Passengers with children are encouraged to bring their own car seats, which the drivers must allow passengers to install.

The taximeter shall combine fractional measures of distance and time to accrue a unit of fare. Any combination of distance or time shall be computed by the taximeter in accordance with the National Bureau of Standards. The fare shall include pre-assessment of the unit currently being accrued; the amount due may therefore include a full unit charge for a final, fractional unit.

From Driver Rule 54-20 (in PDF): It is against the law to refuse a person based on race, disability, or a destination in New York City. A taxicab driver is required to drive a passenger to any destination in the five boroughs. You can make a refusal complaint by calling 3-1-1.

All the equipment is installed in the back seat of the cab. The passenger swipes the card and can enter the tip on the touch screen located in the back seat. There is no need to hand the card to the driver. In addition, all taxicab systems are certified under the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard.

Taxicabs are readily available and provide service to the Philadelphia metro area and surrounding counties. Check with your taxicab company of choice for more information on fares and destinations served.

This is not just useful in the event of a collision with another vehicle. There have been recorded incidents of members of the public throwing themselves onto the bonnet of a stationary or slow-moving taxi, then claiming they have been hit at force and sustained injuries. With CCTV and telematics, such claims can be disproved easily.

5 person to take taxi2016/1/23 09:54 Wwe have 5 persons and wish to take a taxi go straight to Kinkakuji after our visit from Arashiyama. (think it saves time and cost since we have 5 person). But any taxi that can take 5 persons ? as normally taxi only take 4 persons in one car. by cherry (guest)

Re: 5 person to take taxi2016/1/23 18:40 5 person to take taxi5 of us visited Kyoto a few years ago and decided to take taxis for a few short trips. Believe you me, none of the taxis would take five. We had to travel in 2 taxis all the time.As TGMRE mentioned taxis for 5 were rare, and a reservation could be the only guarantee of getting liem (guest)rate this post as useful

Re: 5 person to take taxi2016/2/3 19:17 As an alternative, you can check the Osaka Craigslist page, there are a few drivers with their minivans are advertising their services in Kyoto and the prices are way cheaper than cabs. Some as cheap as $10 per trip for entire Kyoto. I've been using them with great success. When travelling with buddies, split cost is even cheaper than public transportation.Cant beat that. Zach (guest)rate this post as useful

Re: 5 person to take taxi2016/2/4 06:46 Actually we found 5 person taxis pretty easy to find in Kyoto. They are usually black from memory (but obviously not all of the black taxis seat 5), and they have a bench seat in the front that fits two passengers. We used them quite a bit a few years ago when I took my mum with us for a trip, though it was made easier because most of the time we were leaving from the Hyatt and the concierge would go and get one for Lazy Pious (guest)rate this post as useful

Re: 5 person to take taxi2016/2/4 09:33 You may find a 5 passenger taxi on streets only if you are lucky. You can call for a big one from MK Taxi paying additional Yen2,000 but considering the fare for your proposed distance would be around Yen2,500, taking two taxies would make more sense.Please note that UBER or similar service without license is illegal and you would have to expose yourselves to risk of trouble and danger.In Kyoto "MK Taxi" is most reliable and will never disappoint you.Good Luck !by GattoNegrorate this post as useful

Re: 5 person to take taxi2016/2/4 19:01 Actually we found 5 person taxis pretty easy to find in Kyoto. because most of the time we were leaving from the Hyatt and the concierge would go and get one for us. Getting the hotel's concierge to get one for you, no sweat!Try to hail one on the street, lucky if you could get one before all the temples nosweat (guest)rate this post as useful 041b061a72


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